Blockchain To Increase Global GDP By $1.7 Trillion By 2030

Mass adoption of blockchain could bring an additional $1.7 trillion to the global economy over the next 10 years. Asian countries will benefit the most from the technology, according to a recent study by PwC.

The researchers have assessed the potential of blockchain in healthcare, government, and public services, manufacturing, finance, retail, and logistics. In their opinion, most companies from these industries will use decentralized technology in one form or another by 2025.

The largest economic effect from the use of technology is expected in the field of tracking supply chains – $962 billion, the smallest – in customer acquisition, which will receive $54 billion. The largest beneficiaries will be public administration, education, and healthcare – their combined benefits are estimated at $574 billion.

According to the study, by 2030, blockchain will increase China’s GDP by $440 billion. Japan will receive an additional $72.3 billion, India – $62.2 billion. These countries, along with Germany and the UK, will become the leading centers of blockchain innovation globally.

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