78% of Users Abandoned a Purchase If App Installation Was Required

Mobile development studio Heady has recently studied the behavior of American users regarding the consumption of mobile applications. Let’s recap their most thought-provoking findings in this article.

As the research finds, the main way to discover new apps in 2020 was the App Store search.

the primary ways of discovering new mobile apps

Users get very frustrated when businesses require an app to be installed in order to make a purchase or order. More than 90% rate their dissatisfaction at 3+ points!

user frustration level when they have to install an app to buy from a brand

However, despite the dissatisfaction, about half (46.9%) of users will still install the application to complete the transaction.

likelihood of installing a mobile app required to complete a purchase

The majority (77.9%) of mobile users canceled at least one purchase in the past year due to the fact that the seller required them to install the application. Interestingly, the younger the audience, the higher the bounce rate.

mobile user behaviour trends 2020

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